Over the years we have developed strong and successful relationships with our team of local farmers, who supply us with the highest quality milk on a daily basis.

Philip & Carol Morgan
Philip’s grandparents moved to Gwenherrion Farm in Monmouth in 1942. He farmed with his parents until 2000 and now works in partnership with his wife Carol and daughter Kim, trading as PC and CJ Morgan. They started suppling us in 2015, and are currently milking 460 goats. Their aim is to have a high health status herd with high productivity.
Chris & Jen Rudge
Chris took on the tenancy of Baysham farm on the River Wye from his father in 1998. The first goats arrived in 2008, and milking began the following year, which was when they started supplying us. In those days, milk was transported to our Creamery in a homemade tanker behind their tractor. Their milking herd grew rapidly from 100 to 800 with the help of their six children, who have now grown up and followed their own paths. Jen and Chris decided this year to reduce the milking herd to focus on quality and now have around 500 goats.
Andrew Goodwin
Andrew has lived at Wychmoor Fam in Herefordshire with his wife Dianne since 2005. They had previously been farming the ground from ten miles away with beef cattle. They had their first delivery of 120 young goats in 2014 and took delivery of another 120 milking goats the following year. They’ve been supplying us since then, and now milk around 900 goats.
Ed Bowen
After three years at Hartpury Agricultural College and a visit to a local farm, Edward made the decision to farm goats at the age of just 18. Along with his fiancé Lizzie, they now have a herd of around 700 milking goats at their farm in Herefordshire, and have been supplying us for the last seven years. They feed the goats on a TMR basis using home grown maize and grass, and the straw for bedding is bought from local farms.
Gary & Jess Yeomans
Gary and Jess started milking 100 goats in 2002 and have supplied us ever since. They farm in Llanvetherine just outside Abergavenny and are only 5 miles from the factory. They have hosted many customer visits for us over the years, including a visit from HRH The Prince of Wales in 2002. They now milk around 600 goats and produce as much food for them on the farm as they can.
Meredydd Evans
Glandwr Farm has always been the family farm. Meredydd and his family were already farming 600 sheep in 2014 when they decided to try their hand at goat farming. They brokered a deal which saw them start with 700 mixed goats and a milking parlour. Only two years later they bought 250 goats from Holland. They currently have 450 on the farm near Swansea and another 450 on a farm close to Hereford.
Mick Quested
Mick moved to Michdene Farm in Herefordshire in 1998 and started milking in the early 90s. He began supplying us in 1997, initially delivering in 10l buckets. He now delivers to us twice a week and currently has 120 milking goats.
Rob Roberts
Robert and his family moved to their Herefordshire farm in 2007 and bought six goats in 2010. They taught themselves how to pasteurise milk and make various types of cheese, butter, yoghurt and goats milk fudge. They started supplying us with milk in 2012 as the herd began to grow, and are now milking 100 goats.
Stuart Brown
Having lived on his Monmouthshire farm all his life, Stuart milked cows until 2014. He started milking goats in 2015 and is now milking 230 goats and 80 goatlings.
Julie Miles
Julie has lived on Pen-y-llan Farm in Monmouthshire all her life. Since taking over from her father, she started goat farming in 2011 with 85 goats and is now milking 185 goats and 80 goatlings. She started supplying us in 2012.

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Abergavenny Creamery

We make goats cheese products for some of the biggest brands in the world.


Making goats cheese is our passion; our way of life.


It all started with a ram-shackled hill-farm and a goat.